Become a member

By joining FOSOS you can help to support conservation efforts in the town of Southampton, Massachusetts. As a member you will receive e-mail notices about our hikes and other events.

Membership in FOSOS is open to all Southampton residents and to people from other communities who are interested in conservation and environmental issues.

Annual membership dues are $15 for individuals and $25 for families. We gratefully accept any additional contributions as well. All dues and donations are tax-deductible and will be used in support of our Southampton open spaces.

To join FOSOS, please mail a check for your membership fees to:

Friends of Southampton Open Space, Inc.
P.O. Box 94
Southampton, MA 01073

Please include a note with your name and/or the names of your family members and an email address where we can contact you about board meetings and upcoming events.

Alternatively, you can submit your tax-deductible dues securely using the PayPal button below. Please consider adding a few dollars to your dues to help us cover the PayPal fees.

If you have any questions, you may contact us at